Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Second Chances

Is it possible to get a second chance in creating what you are here to do without it being fatal?  Is it possible the angelic (insert whatever realms you believe in here ) help make shifts happen when you can't for your self?
I believe this all to be true for me.  As a kid I had several experiences with what I call the angelic realm "saving" my ass from danger.  For instance; when I was just around 7 or 8, I was riding my bike as fast as I could when I turned the corner of my street.  I must of hit something slippery because I lost control of my bike and went skidding towards oncoming traffic.  My body was getting scratched up because my bike was skidding on the concrete road right towards a cars front wheels, when I was pushed the opposite direction towards the curb.  I hit the curb and with fright shaking my very being I got up and walked me and my bike home.  Has this "push" happened again in my adult life, but this time out of a life path that wasn't mine to go down?

The past 4 months have been a time to revitalize my very essence, my eternal being.  Which has caused me to think about what I am here (on planet earth) to do?   To many people on a spiritual path, living a 'normal' life sounds like a cruel punishment,  but is it?  What is so 'normal' about being spiritual beings living a human life on this beautiful planet?  Normal is a matter of perspective anyways.  What is normal for some is downright strange for others!    

I was taught and believed for many years, that we create our reality.  I still do believe this, but in a much BIGGER perspective.  I feel with every ounce of my being because I have experienced time and time again,  that we are working with other forces (insert whatever belief you have here)  to co-create this crazy thing called, life.  To me, creating my reality means how I choose to receive, interpret, move forward it and work with what is dealt.  Astrology is a great example of this.  The planets shift to certain locations in the sky that can effect our moods for the day or week.  So what do when we become less self-centered and wake up to co-creation that is going on.  Life becomes an open pathway that is waiting to be taken.

So what is reality anyways - some say it is the space between your thoughts - the stillness - the light and dark of your mind.  I have lived a very serious spiritual life for many years and I now think that fun and being light-hearted is where it is at!  Nothing is permanent even when you/I hold on for dear life.  My Ivy plants even let go - leaves die and need to plucked off the vine for the new and healthier leaves to grow.

Thanks to all of my loving friends for your kindness - you have changed my world for the better..  Thanks to the angelic realm - I am listening.
Today you are you! That is truer than True! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! -Dr. Seuss